2020年5月頃から描き続けているシリーズ「マグニフィセント・ヨミ」の絵のNFTの販売を開始しました。 思い入れのあるものもそうでないものも、すべて0.2ETHにしています。
2018年の3月からの最初から今まで、どうも自分を切り売りしている感覚が抜けずあんまり積極的にはなれていませんでした。 それは今も変わりません。
あともうひとつ大事なことです。 今回はOpenseaで独自コントラクトを使わずに販売しています。
なぜかというと、この絵を見るだけで「ウラベロシナンテの絵だ」とわかると思ったのでもうこだわらなくてもいいかなと思ったという感じです。 もちろん費用の面もあります。 ただ、ブロックチェーンの考えとは違ってきますが人間の意識化で概念として居座りたいと思ったのでそうしました。
I've started selling NFTs of the Magnificent Yomi paintings, a series I've been working on since around May 2020. I'm making 0.2 ETH for all of them, both the ones I'm attached to and the ones I'm not.
I'd like to talk a little bit about my sense of NFT art here.
From the beginning in March 2018 until now, I haven't been very active in it because I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I was selling myself short. That hasn't changed.
Next, Yomi is a work that changed my life, and that is no exaggeration. It is very important and dear to me.
So why do I sell it?
It's because I thought that if I loved Yomi too much, I wouldn't be able to move on. I'm so obsessed with it that I can't draw different works. And if I was going to give it away, I wanted people who would like it to buy it in a way that it would last.
I decided to do it this way because I'm working on NFT art and I want to take advantage of its future possibilities.
Of course, I don't waive any copyrights, but if you want to use it for personal use, please do so freely. Please purchase the world of Yomi as you like.
There is one more important thing to remember. This time, we are selling it on Opensea without using our own contract.
In the past, I have used my own contract, but this time I did not.
This time, however, I decided not to use it because I thought that people would be able to tell just by looking at the picture that it is Urabelosinante's picture, so I didn't need to worry about it anymore. Of course, there is also the cost aspect. But I did so because I wanted to stay as a concept in human consciousness, which is different from the idea of blockchain.
There are currently 10 of them, but I think there will be about 100 as the number keeps increasing.
Please take a look if you like.
thank you.