
The afterword

2 years ago

Here I'm going to describe the details of the story I mentioned in "The preface."

Also, please note that there is some overlap.

I'm working as a housewife, and I'm doing withdrawal(hikikomori) support, which was triggered by the suicide of my younger brother.

There was no suicide note, but judging from the circumstances, the reason for his suicide was that his life didn't go well, and he became a hikikomori and suffered from a mental illness.

But I thought, "That's not all, and it should never end there."

When I thought about it, I realized that there are two reasons for coming to this conclusion: one is unique to Japan, and the other is common to the world.

The reasons for "common to the world" are as follows.

"Because of the progress of the world, the demand which existed until then disappeared."

In the book Factfulnes that became a bestseller worldwide and even in Japan, there is a description like "At present, the number of countries classified as developing countries has decreased to only 6%."

The needs(demand) that previously existed in the world is pretty well satisfied, and the demand for workers within it has also disappeared.

Also, demand for work done by people disappeared when mechanization introduced, IT, as technology advanced.

My country, Japan, was and still is proud of high-quality workers.

It may be hard to believe to the world, but Japan is an "An engineer or craftsman who does a good job among workers is more respected than a manager who can make a lot of money." country.

But on the other hand, in Japan, the treatment of people with low workability is terrible.

Therefore, one of the reasons for becoming hikikomori is often "People around them blamed them for not being good at work."

And if this hikikomori happens to the child, the parents will be blamed by the public as "poorly educated."

Many parents don't know what to do and can't talk to anyone, so they leave the child at home and try to cover it up as much as possible.

In other words, in this case, the Japanese national character is causing the hikikomori, but what about other countries?

According to my research, for example, I found the following.

In Italy, a great deal of hikikomori due to the strong relationship between mother and child, they say.

Also, in Germany, it tends to be relatively few in Europe because people ridicule them as a "Hotel Mama" if they stay home all their adult life.

In the United States of America, people tend to leave their homes and become homeless instead of staying at home because they have a strong sense of independence.

Some of these homeless people turn to crime, so this is a bigger problem in the USA than hikikomori.

So, I think less demand for jobs than before is one of the main reasons why both the hikikomori and the homeless.

(With corona, one of the experts said, "The reason why there are relatively few infected people in Japan may be that there are many reclusive people," and I also think so.

Moreover, in Japan, people infected with corona tend to be discriminated against because "The people themselves are not making enough efforts for prevention and is causing trouble to others."

So, to avoid that, gargling, washing hands, and wearing a mask is better than people in other countries.

Some of the reasons for the relatively low number of corona-infected people in Japan include these not much compliment reasons.)

And one of the radical solutions is to create new demand as a way to improve this.

To create new demand, we have to put ourselves in the shoes of customers and then come up with something that will benefit the customer.

​However, we Japanese are not good at this area (as I have already written).

​In particular, I wanted to tell more quickly to the withdrawn people whose lives have been troubled with this.

That's why I came up with the idea of putting out an e-book and paying for people of hikikomori to read it, and I'm doing it.

But as I continued, it got harder and harder, and I thought about quitting, and at that moment, I knew that hikikomori is not just a problem in Japan.

(And I wrote the story so far in "The Preface".)

But here comes another big problem.

It's embarrassing, but I have no understanding of English.

I've never studied English since I dropped out of college.

I've never been to a great job where English is a must and brain work.

Just when I was wondering what to do about it, I found out about "DeepL Translator (DeepL GmbH)" and "Mirai Translate, Inc."

I appreciate both translation sites.

And I found out about "Ginger Software" and "Grammarly, Inc."

I appreciate both checking sites.

And what's more, the benefits of these technological advances are also "It should be received to by as many people as possible, not just me alone." things.

Because the people who benefit from them will create something else, and it will be another benefit that someone else will receive.

I'm exaggerating a bit, but partly because of that feeling, I could write this much.

For the above reasons, I believe that many of the expressions were difficult for the reader to read.

Despite that, thank you very much for reading this far.

I strongly hope that this e-book will be useful to our readers as much as possible.

Just in case, I would like to add the following words at the end and leave my writing brush.

"If the information obtained is the same, it is the same ether it is a real experience or entertainment. It doesn't matter what the source is. Rather, how to utilize the information is more important."

"Contributing to the happiness of someone other than yourself, now and in the past. The leads to getting food for living and happiness of yourself."

"A long time ago, most jobs were to avoid life crises such as starvation. Now, however, that request has been met to a large extent, and times require that you contribute to humanity's happiness even more than you do now. To do so, you must first know how to make yourself happy, or you won't be able to talk about it. So, please be happy."


Factfulness (Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund, and Ola Rosling)

























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